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To get the name of the nth largest value with criteria, you can use INDEX and MATCH, the LARGE function, and a filter created with the IF function. In the example shown, the formula in cell G5, copied down, is:=INDEX.
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The IF function can be combined with other calculations by nesting other formulas and functions inside IF. In the example shown, the formula in G5, copied down, is:=IF(F5-E5>2,SUM(data1),SUM(data2))where data1 (.
To get 'first in, last out' times from timesheet data, you can use the MAXIFS and MINIFS functions, or an array formula as described below. In the example shown, the formula in H6 is:=MINIFS(times,names,H5,actions,.

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To get a maximum value based on criteria, you can use the MAX function together with the IF function in an array formula. In the example shown, the formula in cell G6 is:{=MAX(IF(names=F6,times))}Where names is the.
To display a check mark if the value passes some kind of test, you can use a formula based on the IF function together a symbolic font like Wingdings.In the example show, the formula in C5 is:=IF(COUNTIF(allowed,B5.
To allow a user to switch between two or more lists, you can use the IF function to test for a value and conditionally return a list of values based on the result. In the example shown, the data validation applied to C4.
You can combine logical statements with the OR and AND functions inside the IF function.If color is red or green and quantity is greater than 10In the example shown, we simply want to 'mark' or 'flag' records where.
If you want to take an action when a cell value is greater than a certain value, you can use the IF function to test a value and return one value if the test is true, and another if the test is false.In the example.
To evaluate several options with a nested IF statement, one approach is to use a separate IF per line to show the result of each set of logical tests. By adding line breaks after each IF function, the formula becomes.
To get a minimum value based on criteria, you can use the MIN function together with the IF function. In the example shown, the formula in G6 is:{=MIN(IF(names=F6,times))}Where 'names' is the named range B6:B17,.
To find the minimum unique value in a set of data, you can use the UNIQUE function together with the MIN function. In the example below, the formula in E5 is:=MIN(UNIQUE(data,0,1))where 'data' is the named range B5.
If you want to do something specific when a cell is NOT this or that (i.e. is NOT equal to X or Y, etc.) you can use the IF function in combination with the NOT and OR functions to run a test, then take one action if.
To get the maximum value in a data set based on more than one criteria, you can use an array formula based on the MAX and IF functions. In the example shown, the formula in I6 is:{=MAX(IF(color=G6,IF(item=H6,price.

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If you want to do something specific when two or more conditions are TRUE, you can use the IF function in combination with the AND function to evaluate conditions with a test, then take one action if the result is TRUE.

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To test if a value is within expected tolerance or not, and report 'pass' or 'fail', you can use a formula based on the IF and ABS functions. In the example shown, the formula in E5 is:=IF(ABS(B5-C5)<=D5,'OK.

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